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Vol. 1 (2022)

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Authors in this issue:

Nicole Noemi Villanueva Amaro, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Brian Andree Meneses Claudio María Carla Hernández Martínez Jose Ignacio Robaina Castillo José Alejandro Rodríguez-Pérez Javier Gonzalez-Argote María Carla Hernández Martínez Telmo Raul Aveiro-Róbalo Felix Antonio Rego Rodríguez, Lucía Germán Flores, Adrián Alejandro Vitón-Castillo Lázaro Ernesto Horta-Martínez Carlos Canova-Barrios, Felipe Machuca-Contreras Carlos Rafael Araujo Inastrilla Vanessa Pérez-Del-Vallín Nicole Noemi Villanueva Amaro, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Brian Andree Meneses Claudio ,

Published: October 5, 2022


2022-06-29 Review
Exploration of theoretical conceptualizations of the causes of college dropout

This paper addresses the crucial issue of student dropout at the university level, exploring various theories that explain the reasons behind this phenomenon. It highlights key factors such as socioeconomic, personal and academic problems that contribute to dropout. Previous research findings indicate that economic problems, such as lack of financial resources and the high cost of higher education, are a significant cause of dropout. In addition, personal challenges, such as low self-esteem and psychological problems, also influence the decision to drop out. In the academic field, low performance and lack of guidance are determining factors in student dropout. Educational institutions play an important role in providing financial support, academic guidance and retention programs to address these problems. Three types of dropout are identified: early, temporary and permanent, each with its own characteristics. In addition, the concept of procrastination is addressed, which refers to the procrastination of academic tasks, which can lead to underachievement and, ultimately, dropout. It is suggested that procrastination can be addressed through motivational and metacognitive strategies, as well as through the promotion of routines and habits that improve academic self-control. Overall, understanding the multiple causes of student dropout is essential to develop effective strategies to promote student retention and academic success at the university level, both nationally and internationally.

By Nicole Noemi Villanueva Amaro, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Brian Andree Meneses Claudio

2022-12-24 Review
Whipple: more than a surname, an eponym, a history

Rarely does it happen that two men coincide in time, have the same surname, are friends and achieve great celebrity in medicine and an example of this are: George Hoyt Whipple and Allen Oldfather Whipple. Having as motivation the importance of knowing the history of men as great as these, the present investigation was carried out, for which a bibliographic search was made with the objective of describing the historical aspects related to George Hoyt Whipple and Allen Oldfather Whipple, allowing to reach the main conclusion that the eponym (Whipple) of the disease and the technique are not due to the same person and that, although there is no kinship between them, George Hoyt Whipple and Allen Oldfather Whipple were twinned by time and history.

By María Carla Hernández Martínez

2022-10-22 Review
Cultural competence in medical and health education: an approach to the topic

Cultural competence is essential to ensure safe, high-quality healthcare; and adequate preparation is necessary to provide culturally congruent care. A literature review was conducted to examine the theoretical foundations of cultural competence and its application to medical and health education. The search for information in databases was carried out using the terms “cultural competence”, “health education”, “medical education”, “cultural sensitivity” and “cultural humility”. Cultural competence is the ability of a student or healthcare professional to provide culturally appropriate and specifically tailored care to patient populations with diverse values, beliefs, and behaviors. The development of cultural competency in medical education has occurred surprisingly rapidly in response to gaps in student training and skills identified by educators, clinicians, and care provider and accrediting bodies. The acquisition of cultural competencies by health professionals addresses: the interest in learning about other cultures, learning about another culture, interactions with people from different cultures and the set of capabilities to respond to people's health needs. from another culture. Competition consistently directs attention to political and social circumstances as well as individual considerations that can alleviate suffering and promote health and well-being.

By Jose Ignacio Robaina Castillo

2022-12-15 Review
Strengthening the Implementation of the One Health Approach in the Americas: Interagency Collaboration, Comprehensive Policies, and Information Exchange

In the 21st century, the One Health approach recognizes the interdependence between human, animal and plant health and environmental conservation. In a globalized world where boundaries are blurring, this approach has become essential to address challenges such as zoonotic diseases, environmental degradation and food security. One Health fosters collaboration between public health, animal health, plant health and environmental conservation. Its implementation requires the cooperation of governments, NGOs, the private sector and civil society. Challenges include the lack of a common data platform and the need for sound legislation. Data collection and scientific evidence are essential, as is consideration of sociological factors in health. Social and technological innovation also play a crucial role. One Health offers the opportunity to comprehensively address public and environmental health issues, seeking a healthier and more equitable world for all species.

By José Alejandro Rodríguez-Pérez

2022-12-11 Review
Effective communication and shared decision making: Theoretical approach from the doctor-patient relationship approach

Introduction: shared decision making is understood as a communicational model in which health personnel collaborate with the patient or caregiver in making optimal health decisions, encouraging patients, family members and physicians to evaluate clinical information and compare risk-benefit in order to select the most appropriate treatment option.
Objective: to characterize shared decision making as a model of patient-physician communication.
Development: the method has gained acceptance among the medical community in recent years; despite having an approach in line with current medicine due to benefits such as a decrease in medical errors, being associated with a better overall quality of decisions and less decisional conflict, its use is controversial due to weaknesses such as lack of practical guidelines for its use, lack of training for the parties involved, lack of time and applicability due to the patient's characteristics. Shared decision support tools provide information about the options and potentially expected outcomes for a person's health status, and are different from traditional educational materials.
Conclusions: shared decision making emerges as a method of patient-physician communication centered on the participation of the patient in his or her medical therapy and is credited with reducing decisional uncertainty. The scientific evidence is insufficient to recommend its use over traditional methods, although its application has gained acceptance among the international community in recent years.

By Javier Gonzalez-Argote

2022-06-21 Review
Pediatric Surgery in Cuba: an untold story

In Cuba, pediatric surgery began in the 1960s, a young specialty in the world, and in the country a group of brilliant professors, with Dr. Enrique José Hechavarría Vaillant as the pioneer precursor, laid the foundations of the specialty. During the process of searching for information for the conformation of the present work, no documents were found that compiled aspects of the history of pediatric surgery in Cuba, which is why the present research is carried out with the main objective of arguing the importance of the history of pediatric surgery in Cuba and the figure of Dr. Enrique José Hechavarría Vaillant as a precursor of the same, reaching the conclusion that undoubtedly the history of Cuban pediatric surgery represents the work and hard work of many professionals, especially this doctor.

By María Carla Hernández Martínez

2022-11-17 Review
Distance learning and its relation to medical education in the present times

This scientific text addresses the evolution of distance education, highlighting the crucial role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in virtual education. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the transition to distance education, especially in Latin America, although challenges are faced due to the lack of infrastructure and Internet access in remote areas. The text introduces key concepts such as distance and virtual education, as well as ICTs. It explores pedagogical theories, such as cyberculture and connectivism, that support online teaching. Connectivism is highlighted as a theory that emphasizes the importance of connections and learning in changing and uncontrolled environments. Suggestions for applying connectivism in medical education are provided, including the use of blogs, social networking, and the creation of online communities. The text also emphasizes the need to constantly adapt teaching strategies to keep up with advances in the field of medicine and health sciences. Several tools applied to virtual teaching are described, such as the Zoom and Google Meet videoconferencing platforms, as well as the Moodle and Google Classroom learning platforms. In addition, design and gamification tools are mentioned, along with the importance of clouds for online storage and collaboration.

By Telmo Raul Aveiro-Róbalo

2022-09-07 Review
Artificial intelligence and machine learning: present and future applications in health sciences

Introduction: Artificial intelligence and machine learning have brought significant changes and transformed everyday life, and this is also seen in healthcare and medicine. A bibliographic review was carried out with the aim of delving into the current and future applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the health and biomedical sciences sector.
Methods: a bibliographic review was carried out in the main databases and other search services. The terms “artificial intelligence”, “automated learning”, “deep learning”, “health sciences” were used, as well as search descriptors.
Results: Artificial intelligence (AI) models are playing an increasingly important role in biomedical research and clinical practice, showing their potential in various applications, such as risk modeling and stratification, personalized screening, diagnosis (including classification of molecular disease subtypes), prediction of response to therapy, and prognosis. All of these fields of research could greatly improve the current trend towards precision medicine, resulting in more reliable and personalized approaches with a high impact on diagnostic and therapeutic pathways. This implies a paradigm shift from defining statistical and population perspectives to individual predictions, allowing for more effective preventive actions and therapy planning.
Conclusions: There is high potential for the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning on a large scale in the future.

By Felix Antonio Rego Rodríguez, Lucía Germán Flores, Adrián Alejandro Vitón-Castillo

2022-08-31 Review
3D printing in the medical field

Introduction: 3D printing has represented a technological advance in the field of health sciences. This additive manufacturing allows the creation of grafts, autotransplates and tissue regeneration.
Objective: describe the contribution of 3D printing to the field of medicine.
Methods: A review of the literature was carried out in the month of November 2023 through access to the databases Scopus, PubMed, Dialnet, Scielo, and the search engine Google Scholar version 2022, with the strategies: ((print 3D) AND (medicine)), ((medicine) AND (technological advances)) and ((3D printing) AND (surgical sciences) AND (prosthetics) AND (orthoses) AND (surgical procedures)) and their translations into the English language , limited the search to the last 5 years –from 2019 to 2023–, in Spanish, English or Portuguese languages.
Development: In a general sense, 3D printing refers to the sequential accumulation of materials on a platform through different production methods, including: polarization, injection injection, binder injection, material extrusion, powder bed, lamination metal and metal tank. This creation process that consists of printing 3D objects by superimposed layers in ascending order.
Conclusions: 3D printing has allowed us to reduce the costs and manufacturing time of the structures used in medicine –implants, prostheses, grafts and surgical material– as well as a great advance in medical education from the creation of three-dimensional pieces that allow better preparation and maintenance of surgical skills.

By Lázaro Ernesto Horta-Martínez

2022-08-17 Review
Interoperability standards in Health Information Systems: systematic review

Introduction: Health Information Systems (HIS) have been improved to enhance the quality of healthcare. However, adequate computerization of these systems, as demanded by the digital society, requires the adoption of interoperability standards that allow all system elements to be interconnected.
Objective: to describe the results provided by the literature on the use of interoperability standards in HIS.
Methods: a systematic review was conducted using the PRISMA methodology on the results of the adoption of interoperability standards in HIS. Information was searched in Scopus, Medline, Google Scholar, and SciELO. Then, a selection of the most relevant studies was made, using inclusion criteria.
Results: most of the reviewed studies focused on the evaluation of interoperability standards in hospital and institutional environments, with a global interest in such standards. The diversity of standards used and the results obtained demonstrate the importance and significant impact of the implementation of interoperability standards in improving the quality of healthcare systems.
Conclusions: the systematic literature review reveals that the implementation of interoperability standards is fundamental to ensure the integration between the components that make up the systems, which in turn contributes to operational efficiency and information security.

By Carlos Canova-Barrios, Felipe Machuca-Contreras

2022-11-24 Review
Big Data in Health Information Systems

In the healthcare sector, Information Systems are fundamental for decision-making at all levels. This process can be strengthened with the implementation of Big Data analytics. In this context, the present study aims to describe the experiences, benefits, and applications of Big Data in Health Information Systems through a systematic literature review. The research reviewed 22 studies on the use of Big Data in the healthcare sector, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria to select relevant studies. The results of these studies indicated that the use of Big Data in healthcare can improve the quality of teleassistance services for patients, as well as logistics and financial services. It can also prevent diseases and improve patient care in public health information systems. Additionally, it can provide new knowledge and actionable information from new data sources, and promote the natural transformation of descriptive research into predictive and prescriptive research. The studies also highlighted the importance of Artificial Intelligence for data to be useful for research and medical purposes. In general, the research concluded that Big Data has a favorable impact on the healthcare sector, especially in biomedical research, and that its use can improve the efficiency and quality of medical care.

By Carlos Rafael Araujo Inastrilla

2022-10-20 Review
Development of communication skills in the health sector

In the present study, the importance of communication skills in the health sector was analyzed, with a focus on communication between health professionals and patients. The need to develop skills for clear and effective communication is highlighted, a determining factor in quality medical care, especially in the context of telemedicine, which has become more relevant in today's digital society. The digital divide is presented as a challenge in establishing effective and assertive communication, since it can limit access to quality medical care and active participation in one's own medical care for certain groups of the population. It is concluded that a more deliberate incorporation of training in communication skills in medical education is essential, as well as the need for training curricula that offer tools for its refinement. In this context, the development of communication skills that allow providing a better health service with results in the quality of life of the general population becomes crucial.

By Vanessa Pérez-Del-Vallín

2022-12-06 Original
Influencing factors and student desertion at a private university in northern Lima

The objective of this research study was to show the influential factors that determine student desertion in a private university in northern Lima. The methodology used is descriptive in scope with a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The population is made up of students belonging to the Business Administration career who dropped out in the period 2019 and 2020. The sample was obtained probabilistically resulting in 134 students, to then collect data concerning the behavior of the research variables with respect to the elements of the socioeconomic, sociological and institutional factors that influence academic retention; also the Likert evaluation scale consisting of 20 questions was used. In addition, the results were analyzed in an orderly manner based on the information obtained for the statistical development of graphs and tables; and thus corroborate the objectives and the hypothesis raised in the research. The reliability valuation obtained according to the statistical use of Cronbach's alpha was 0.716, which means that the instrument has an acceptable reliability valuation.

By Nicole Noemi Villanueva Amaro, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Brian Andree Meneses Claudio

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