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Vol. 3 (2024)

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Authors in this issue:

Mohamed CHERRADI Javier Gonzalez-Argote, William Castillo-González Ennis Ivonnet-Gutiérrez, Aliana Peña-Méndez, Felicia Silva-Vázquez , Leonides Zaldívar-Carmenate, Luisa Sucel Vargas-Labrada Aliana Peña-Méndez, Ennis Ivonnet-Gutiérrez, Ivis Mendoza-Hernández , Yahima Díaz-González, Douglas Crispin-Castellanos Mohamed CHERRADI Renan MVR Almeida, Aldo José Fontes-Pereira Mariana Leitão, Sandra Lemos, Sara Brito, Sandy Severino, Nelson Guerra, Luís Sousa Iris Mercedes Prevall Vinent Rolando Eslava Zapata, Edixon Chacón Guerrero, Rómulo Esteban Montilla Wahab Akanmu Aboyade, Elizabeth O. Ndubuisi-Okoh, Chukwu Okoche, Bolaji David Oladokun Eduardo Paglioni Salama, Kelton Silva de Oliveira Irene Amelia Simeoni, Romina Caballero, Carlos Oscar Lepez Felipe Ramirez Bernal Mercedes Keeling Alvarez, María de las Nieves Veloz Montano Felix Pereira Gabrielle, Maria Romina Leardi Eduardo Paglioni Salama, Fabiana Gnoatto Javier Gonzalez-Argote, William Castillo-González Emmanuel Okwu, Ngozi Emmanuel Okwu, Bolaji David Oladokun Amelia Domínguez Romay, Mercedes Keeling Alvarez ,

Published: January 1, 2024


2024-04-01 Original
Exploration of Scientific Documents through Unsupervised Learning-Based Segmentation Techniques

Navigating the extensive landscape of scientific literature presents a significant challenge, prompting the development of innovative methodologies for efficient exploration. Our study introduces a pioneering approach for unsupervised segmentation, aimed at revealing thematic trends within articles and enhancing the accessibility of scientific knowledge. Leveraging three prominent clustering algorithms—K-Means, Hierarchical Agglomerative, and DBSCAN—we demonstrate their proficiency in generating meaningful clusters, validated through assessment metrics including Silhouette Score, Calinski-Harabasz Index, and Davies-Bouldin Index. Methodologically, comprehensive web scraping of scientific databases, coupled with thorough data cleaning and preprocessing, forms the foundation of our approach. The efficacy of our methodology in accurately identifying scientific domains and uncovering interdisciplinary connections underscores its potential to revolutionize the exploration of scientific publications. Future endeavors will further explore alternative unsupervised algorithms and extend the methodology to diverse data sources, fostering continuous innovation in scientific knowledge organization.


2024-01-22 Original
Performance of ChatGPT tool in the resolution of residency exams in Argentina

Introduction: artificial intelligence is classified as a tool of interest at the present time. Through its application, organizational processes and decision-making are transformed; while promoting innovative development.
Objective: to describe the performance of the ChatGPT tool in solving residency exams.
Method: an observational, descriptive, retrospective study was carried out. As the universe of the study, all test-type questions (single selection) were analyzed. The variables analyzed were each of the questions belonging to each exam (correct or incorrect answers). Descriptive statistics were applied.
Results: Syllabus B stood out within group 1 with the highest number of correct answers (209 for 69.66%). For its part, within group 2, syllabus D was predominant with 141 correct answers (70.5%). The exams related to nursing stood out.
Conclusions: the use of artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT is variable in the field of medical sciences. Their performance in solving scientific questions is heterogeneous. It may vary with respect to the format of the question and the topic addressed.

By Javier Gonzalez-Argote, William Castillo-González

2024-06-05 Original
Program for the development of digital competencies in teachers of the Stomatology career. Isla de la Juventud

Introduction: information and communication technologies are important tools for training and communication. To facilitate their work in the educational system as a requirement for change in the profile of the education professional, teachers must develop suitable digital skills to implement in their teaching-learning process.
Objective: design a program for the development of digital skills in teachers of the Stomatology career of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Isla de la Juventud, 2022.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out, from a methodological perspective based on the qualitative paradigm. The universe was made up of 150 teachers, of which 40 made up the sample. The theoretical level research methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and historical-logical analysis; at the empirical level: documentary analysis, survey and specialist criteria.
Results: the need to train the teaching staff and guide the preparation of teachers in the appropriate use of computer techniques and resources, as well as in the preparation and development of virtual courses using the Moodle platform, was confirmed.
Conclusions: information and communication technologies are fundamental in the teaching-learning process. The development of digital competencies in teachers shows a low level of performance; the expressed limitations focus mainly on knowledge and domains in content creation, communication and collaboration.

By Ennis Ivonnet-Gutiérrez, Aliana Peña-Méndez, Felicia Silva-Vázquez , Leonides Zaldívar-Carmenate, Luisa Sucel Vargas-Labrada

2024-02-13 Original
Didactic strategy for the training of skills in clinical trials of Stomatology residents

Introduction: Primary Health Care is the first point of contact that specialists in stomatological sciences provide to the population.
Objective: to develop a didactic strategy for training skills in clinical trials for dentistry residents.
Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study on the Isle of Youth, 2022-2023. Intentional non-probabilistic sampling was used, with the sample consisting of 39 residents, 20 academic committee professors, 17 provincial coordinators and 7 research methodology professors.
Results: a survey was applied to explore knowledge on the topic and it was found that 89.7% had a low level. The main difficulties identified were in the questions related to knowledge about the researcher's portfolio and the elements necessary to start a clinical trial, with percentages of 7,7% and 12,8%, respectively. The proposed strategy was submitted to expert judgment, with scores predominating: very appropriate and moderately appropriate, with values of 64,8% and 25,6%, respectively, which represented 90,3% for the evaluated criteria. The strategy was made up of four stages and actions structured in a coherent manner for its application, which can be enriched from the teaching reflection and the practice of the academic committee of each specialty.
Conclusions: the diagnosis of the current situation of the training of Stomatology specialists on the subject of clinical trials revealed potentialities and shortcomings in the conception, the process and the current level of its development.

By Aliana Peña-Méndez, Ennis Ivonnet-Gutiérrez, Ivis Mendoza-Hernández , Yahima Díaz-González, Douglas Crispin-Castellanos

2024-04-01 Original
Data Lakehouse: Next Generation Information System

This paper introduces the Data Lakehouse Architecture, a transformative model in data architecture that seamlessly integrates the analytical strengths of traditional data warehouses with the schema flexibility inherent in data lakes. Departing from current frameworks, this comprehensive approach establishes a unified platform, overcoming limitations of conventional data management. Addressing the critical need for an integrated solution, our primary objective is to set a new standard for sophisticated data management. The distinctiveness of our proposal lies in the seamless fusion of data warehouse analytics and data lake schema flexibility, underscoring its originality. The full article delves into the research methodology, providing a comprehensive understanding of the study's framework proposal. The foundational outcomes showcase the successful implementation of our Data Lakehouse Architecture, revealing enhanced processing capabilities for structured data analysis, complex querying, and high-performance reporting. The conclusion emphasizes the paradigm shift and transformative impact on data management practices, reinforcing the significance of our innovative solution. This research not only contributes a novel technological framework but also highlights the importance of adaptability and performance in the face of evolving data landscapes.


2024-02-11 Original
Availability of retracted Covid-19 papers on Internet research-sharing platforms

Introduction: This paper investigated the availability of retracted/with Expression of Concern Covid-19 papers on research-sharing platforms.
Methods: From the “Retraction Watch” (RW) list of Covid-19 retracted/with Expressions of Concern (EoC) papers, all articles pertaining to Covid-19 treatment were selected. After their identification, paper titles and authors were searched on the platforms: Research Gate and Academia ( In case a retracted or EoC paper was identified as available, the presence of a warning note was ascertained (either as an attached note or as a direct warning on the paper). The citations that these papers received were then identified on the Google Scholar platform, and classified as prior to retraction date/posterior to retraction date.
Results: At first, a total of 44 papers were selected from the RW list. Out of these, 18 full papers could be obtained in the analyzed platforms (15 retractions, 3 EoCs). Fourteen of the identified papers concerned dubious, ineffective or “alternative” treatments. The most common countries of origin were India and Egypt. The median number of Google Scholar post-retraction citations was 29.5 and the mean 42.9 (range: 0 - 128).
Conclusion: Research-sharing platforms should implement mechanisms to prevent non reliable research to be made available in them.

By Renan MVR Almeida, Aldo José Fontes-Pereira

2024-07-15 Original
Conflict Management: A Practical Case, Analysis, Interpretation and Resolution

Introduction: Conflicts are very common occurrences in any organization and, although they are inevitable, they can be managed in a positive way. As such, conflict management has been gaining prominence in companies, because when carried out effectively, it increases the organization's performance and productivity.
Objective: To analyze a conflict in a hospital environment and the strategies for resolving it. Methods: Reflective essay based on the analysis of an organizational conflict situation, using a pedagogical resource centered on experiential learning.
Results: The conflict described took place in a hospital environment, between middle management and two employees. As negative aspects, we can highlight ineffective communication, marked by aggressive and defensive postures, and authoritarian leadership. As positive aspects, we can mention the assertiveness of one of the parties involved, which contributed to the outcome of the conflict in a positive and effective way.
Conclusions: The analysis of this case highlights the importance of empathetic leadership, effective communication and a collaborative working environment in conflict management. Applying these strategies can contribute to a positive and efficient hospital environment, benefiting both healthcare professionals and patients


By Mariana Leitão, Sandra Lemos, Sara Brito, Sandy Severino, Nelson Guerra, Luís Sousa

2024-01-06 Original
Corporal Expression as a broad spectrum psycho-pedagogical resource

Corporal Expression has become an important psycho-pedagogical resource due to the implications it has on the subject from the different areas it impacts. Different authors have contributed elements of interest that, from different sciences, support the effectiveness of its use. The present paper reveals from a bibliographic review elements that accredit the Corporal Expression as a wide spectrum psycho-pedagogical resource. Theoretical methods such as: Analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, were used in order to identify and systematize the theoretical and methodological information on the subject. The study made it possible to gather valuable arguments that justify the designation of Corporal Expression as a valuable and useful resource in the compensatory corrective work and empowerment of the subject.

By Iris Mercedes Prevall Vinent

2024-01-08 Original
Emerging Technologies in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence and its Applications in Health Sciences

Artificial Intelligence brings a new paradigm in health sciences related to using technologies capable of processing a large amount of patient information to strengthen prediction, prevention and clinical care. This research aimed to perform a bibliometric analysis of Artificial Intelligence and its applications in Health Sciences, particularly on Emerging Technologies in Education. To this end, a search for articles related to "Artificial Intelligence and its Applications in Health Sciences" was conducted at the international level in the Scopus database with search parameters based on titles, abstracts and keywords. The results revealed that the network of the 100 most essential terms was grouped into four clusters, namely: the first cluster identified with red colour is related to artificial Intelligence; the second cluster identified with green colour is related to the controlled study; the third cluster identified with yellow colour is related to algorithm and, the fourth cluster identified with yellow colour is related to education. It was concluded that artificial Intelligence has experienced advances that are having an impact on health sciences education. Academics and researchers have tools that allow them to obtain information to deepen the diagnosis of diseases and present students with robust case studies that strengthen the teaching-learning process.

By Rolando Eslava Zapata, Edixon Chacón Guerrero, Rómulo Esteban Montilla

2024-02-29 Review
Impact of Predatory Journal Publishing on Scholarly Practices among Academic Librarians in Nigeria: A Systematic Review of Literature

The rise of predatory publishing poses a concerning trend among academics, including librarians, in Nigeria. This study explores the essential aspects and consequences of predatory publishing within the realm of Nigerian academic librarians. It delineates the characteristics of predatory publishers and journals, shedding light on their subtle methods of enticing unwitting authors. The discussion navigates the intricate dimensions of predatory publishing and its detrimental impacts on research and scholarship within the librarian community. Emphasizing the devastating effects on the future of research and scholarship, the paper concludes by presenting intervention strategies and urging relevant authorities in Nigeria to take proactive measures in curtailing predatory publishing, particularly among academic librarians. The paper recommends that academic libraries and librarians should lead the awareness campaign, and individual institutions should organize periodic seminars and workshops on the consequences of predatory publishing.

By Wahab Akanmu Aboyade, Elizabeth O. Ndubuisi-Okoh, Chukwu Okoche, Bolaji David Oladokun

2024-06-17 Review
Perspectives on Medical Education in Paraguay: Time Management, Mental Health, and Self-Awareness Strategies for Brazilian Students

Medical training is a demanding process that challenges students both academically and personally. This article explores some of these challenges based on an interview conducted during the "Brazilians Beyond Borders: The Journey of Medical Training in Paraguay" Congress in 2024. Eduardo Paglioni interviewed clinical psychoanalyst and medical student Kelton Oliveira, who shared his perspectives on crucial topics such as time management, mental health, resilience, and self-awareness.
The study identifies and analyzes the main challenges faced by Brazilian students who choose to study medicine abroad, particularly in Paraguay, highlighting the importance of an integrated approach that encompasses both technical competence and emotional and psychological well-being. Kelton Oliveira emphasizes the need for effective time management strategies to avoid burnout, self-care practices to maintain balanced mental health, and the promotion of self-awareness to cope with the pressures of medical training.
The methodology employed included the transcription and detailed qualitative analysis of the interview, contextualizing the challenges faced and extracting practical strategies to overcome them. To reinforce the importance of this topic, we also conducted a review of scientific publications that highlight the necessity and relevance of these issues for medical students.
Although the analysis is based on a single interview, integrating information provided by other researchers in available scientific publications allows for correlating these contributions to obtain a broader and more comprehensive perspective. This provides a better understanding of the challenges faced by medical students in Paraguay and in other international contexts.
This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the challenges faced by these students and present practical suggestions that can be applied to improve their academic performance and promote a healthy balance between their academic, personal, and professional lives.

By Eduardo Paglioni Salama, Kelton Silva de Oliveira

2024-02-10 Review
Curricular innovation in the knowledge society

Introduction: the problematization of the phenomenon of curricular innovation has been approached by research in the international and local context and confronting positions have emerged around the curriculum; and in order to make effective the transformation in the educational field and in a peculiar way in the decisions of the Curriculum, it is necessary to assume policies of change in the educational management. The objective of this work focuses on the characterization, reflection and theoretical deepening of curricular innovation within the framework of the knowledge and information society.
Methods: qualitative-hermeneutic, narrative and exploratory study based on literature review.
Results: the concept of curriculum is polysemic, with numerous definitions that indicate the richness of this concept and also the difficulty of its study; Furthermore, the need to think from a curricular vision the principles for educational innovation and as a model of socio-political transformation in decision making as a contribution to the culture of peoples, promoting the search for and production of knowledge, and that as a collective process the emergence of the knowledge society will require, among other things, reflection and practices on the effective conditions of possibility of its social, political and economic nature through appropriate educational policies that need to be elucidated and explored collectively as a challenge of Curricular Innovation.
Conclusions: in relation to the phenomenon of curricular innovation and based on the bibliographic exploration, a series of descriptive studies emerged that problematize the subject from an analysis of the local reality, therefore many questions remain to be asked regarding curricular innovation such as: what is the most important and substantive change in the curriculum, how does the innovative intention of the curriculum originate, how should one proceed in the search for curricular innovation, how is the innovative intention of the curriculum transmitted to the political levels?

By Irene Amelia Simeoni, Romina Caballero, Carlos Oscar Lepez

2024-03-17 Review
The challenge of university teaching practices

This article seeks to analyze how higher education institutions assume and incorporate inclusion into institutional discourse and how teachers incorporate it into their daily pedagogical practices, amid paradoxes and lack of knowledge of the elements needed to build an inclusive education. In this sense, this article aims to generate a reflection on inclusive processes in higher education, as well as to report on experiences that have enabled teachers at the Faculty of Education - to approach, understand and assume the inclusive phenomenon and recognize differences in professional training processes. The basis of this article is the research entitled "Characterization of teaching practices in the Faculty of Education". This research experience is presented as a reflective practice of teachers, in which inclusion is an element that allows the transformation of the individual, teacher-student, in order to contribute to social transformation.

By Felipe Ramirez Bernal

2024-01-20 Review
The quality of education, a concern beyond the classroom space

This paper presents the theoretical considerations that serve as points of reference for reflecting on the concept of quality in education. These reflections emerged as part of a research conducted in a new type of educational institution, the Specialized Center for Educational Services, a project that responds to the transformations within the framework of the Third Improvement of the National Education System in Cuba. The polysemic nature of the concept of quality of education and the challenges it poses to the school today in its daily routine are highlighted. This is approached from a perspective that links quality with the demands of real educational contexts and expectations in the different teaching spaces at all educational levels.

By Mercedes Keeling Alvarez, María de las Nieves Veloz Montano

2024-06-23 Review
Choice of medical specialty among students studying medicine

Background: Due to the complexity of choosing a medical specialty, it's crucial to analyze the factors and influences involved in this decision-making process, as it can significantly impact one's career and personal life. Factors to consider include lifestyle, job requirements, salary, reputation, duration of studies, the ability to maintain a "controlled" lifestyle, and family members. Additionally, culture and lifestyle can influence specialty choice. Exploring these factors can assist medical students in making more informed and satisfying decisions. Material and methods: This study is an observational cross-sectional study where the sample consisted of 100 medical students who volunteered between October and December 2023 using the Google Forms platform. Results: The graphs demonstrate that 64% of the total students will choose based on their affinity for the specialty, which is the most influential factor when selecting a medical specialty. 16% believe that the ability to maintain a "controllable" lifestyle is more important when choosing a specialty, 9% prioritize the duration of residency, and 8% consider financial income. Conclusion: Encouraging further research into the influences affecting the choice of a medical specialty helps understand the motivation of medical students. This will contribute not only to the improvement of the healthcare system but also to a more efficient allocation of resources, consequently enhancing the quality of medical services provided to patients

By Felix Pereira Gabrielle, Maria Romina Leardi

2024-06-14 Review
Medical Education Abroad: Reflections and Experiences of a Brazilian Student in Paraguay

Medical training outside Brazil has emerged as a significant choice for many Brazilians seeking more accessible educational alternatives. This article aims to explore the reflections and experiences of Dr. Fabiana Gnoatto, a former Brazilian student who chose to study medicine in Paraguay. Her account analyzes the challenges she faced, the coping strategies she adopted and the lessons she learned throughout her academic and professional career. Among the main challenges identified was adapting to a different curriculum and varied teaching methodologies, requiring substantial academic flexibility on the part of Brazilians who chose to study medicine in Paraguay. The language barrier, marked by the need to master Spanish in order to follow classes and interact effectively, emerges as one of the greatest difficulties faced by this group. In addition, cultural integration is complex, requiring students to adapt to local customs and practices. The distance from family and friends, combined with academic and personal pressure, tends to generate high levels of stress and anxiety, making it a significant additional challenge. To mitigate these challenges, Brazilian students need to develop a range of strategies that might not be necessary if they were pursuing the same career in their home country. Advance preparation and planning for this student migration is essential to achieving efficient academic performance. Active participation in classes, combined with the formation of study groups, would facilitate understanding, assimilation of content and the exchange of experiences between these individuals who almost always share the same difficulties in adapting. The development of local support networks emerges as a crucial element, providing emotional and practical support. Maintaining constant contact with family and friends, using modern technology, would help to reduce the feeling of isolation. Seeking psychological support, which is essential for dealing with stress, complements adaptation strategies. Participating in cultural activities in the host country, adapting to local customs and lifestyle are also key to successful integration. Dr. Fabiana Gnoatto's experiences show that, with determination, appropriate strategies and support, it is possible to overcome obstacles and achieve a successful medical career without losing quality of life during academic training. Their experiences serve as a paradigmatic guide for future students, helping them to prepare more effectively and face the challenges of international medical training. In this way, they can transform a challenging experience into an opportunity for personal and professional growth, highlighting the importance of resilience and adaptation in diverse educational and cultural contexts.

By Eduardo Paglioni Salama, Fabiana Gnoatto

2024-01-25 Review
Problem-Based Learning (PBL), review of the topic in the context of health education

Introduction: Active methodologies promote learning through the resolution of real situations, promoting the construction of knowledge and skills. This turns the student into an active participant, strengthening their critical thinking skills. A bibliographic review was carried out with the objective of reviewing the problem-based learning method and its benefits in the context of medical education.
Methods: a bibliographic review was carried out between December 2023 and January 2024 in the main databases and other search services. The terms “problem-based learning”, “health education”, “medical education” were used as search descriptors.
Results: In medical education, the problem-based learning approach focuses on students addressing real clinical situations to develop diagnostic and therapeutic skills. This model seeks to ensure that, from the beginning of their training, future health professionals are involved in medical practice, instead of only acquiring theoretical knowledge. The development of critical thinking is essential to face real-world clinical situations, so learning must be student-centered and meaningful, involving problems that reflect real contexts of professional practice.
Conclusions: Problem-based learning is one more strategy in the wide range of possibilities for teaching and developing medical education, and it has advantages and disadvantages like any other strategy.

By Javier Gonzalez-Argote, William Castillo-González

2024-05-05 Review
New Technological Trends and Application in Libraries: An Overview

The introduction of new technological trends has had a significant impact on the performance of libraries. These trends have transformed the way libraries operate and provide services to their users. The paper also provides an overview of the effects of these technological trends on library performance. Frankly, these trends represent advancements in information technology, communication, automation, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and more. Besides, they have the potential to disrupt traditional practices, improve efficiency, enhance user experiences, and create new opportunities for growth and development. The results also proved the key effects of new technological trends on library performance to be access to digital resources, online catalogs, and discovery systems, remote access and virtual services, digital preservation, data management, and research support, collaborative and social technologies, mobile apps and virtual services, and data-driven decision making. The paper also highlights the challenges faced by libraries in adopting these new technologies. The conclusion emphasized the importance of embracing technological advancements to enhance library services, and one of the recommendations was that libraries should provide regular training opportunities to their staff to keep them updated on the latest technologies and their applications in library services.

By Emmanuel Okwu, Ngozi Emmanuel Okwu, Bolaji David Oladokun

2024-01-09 Review
Theoretical approach to professional development: A review of the pedagogical process

This paper addresses professional development as a continuous pedagogical process based on theoretical and methodological foundations derived from research in the educational context. It focuses on the relationship of professional development with other categories such as instruction, education, preparation, training and performance. The paper stresses the importance of the aspired education to be integral, with several dimensions to be developed. An integral professional must be able to think, feel, value, believe and act, which is reflected in his or her performance in educational practice. Education should prepare individuals both for life in general and for their insertion into the world of work, which is the very essence of the educational process. Professional development, as a pedagogical process, is organized and consciously directed towards a single objective: the integral formation of the personality to develop effectively in its various contexts of action. This process includes various organizational forms, such as continuing education and postgraduate courses, workshops, seminars and conferences, among others. The paper emphasizes that in order to achieve this process successfully, it is essential to previously identify the needs and demands for improvement through an initial diagnosis. This diagnosis serves as a starting point for the planning of pedagogical actions, their implementation, evaluation and control of the results obtained, which should be manifested in the educational environment.

By Amelia Domínguez Romay, Mercedes Keeling Alvarez

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